Elko: Client Mods

The Basic Mod Set: Client View


The Cartesian mod provides the item to which it is attached with simple two-dimensional cartesian geometry. It also supports user manipulation of the containership relation between objects. This mod may not be attached to users or contexts.


{ type:"cart", left:INT, top:INT, width:INT, height:INT }




→ { to:ITEMREF_STR, into:?REF_STR, left:INT, top:INT }

This message requests the server to change the position and optionally the container of the item to which it is targeted.

If the destination is acceptable to the server, it changes the position and container of the targeted item, then broadcasts the "move" message to all users in the context informing them of the change.


The Census mod allows a client to survey the number of users in a context. It may be attached to any kind of object.


There is no client-side representation of the Census mod.



→ { to:REF_STR, op:"census" }

This message requests a census of the context. The server will reply to the sender with the message:

← { to:REF_STR, op:"census", occupancy:INT }

where the occupancy parameter is the number of users in the context as of the time the message was sent.

Note that this operation works, assuming the mod is present, even in contexts where the users are not visible to each other. That is sort of the point, actually.


The Chat mod enables multi-user text chat in a context. It is attached to a context, never to a user or item. On the server, it may be configured to individually allow or disallow the "say" or "push" messages, both to the context as a whole (public chat or push) and to individual users (private chat or push).


There is no client-side representation of the Chat mod.



→ { to:REF_STR, op:"say", text:STR }

This message utters chat text on behalf of its sender. If the message is targeted at the context and the context's Chat mod is configured to allow chat, the server will transmit a corresponding "say" message to all users in the context, targeted at the context, with the same text, and marked as being from the user associated with the client sending this message. See the discussion of the "say" message in the Generic Messages section of the C-U-I Model document. If the message is targeted at a user and that user is in the same context as the sender and the Chat mod is configured to allow private chat, the server will transmit two copies of a corresponding "say" message, one to the targeted user's client and one sent back to the original sender.

If the user sending the "say" message has a TalkPrefs mod attached, clients should use its style attributes to render that user's chat text.


→ { to:REF_STR, op:"push", url:STR, frame:?STR }

This message issues a push request on behalf of its sender. If the message is targeted at the context and the Chat mod is configured to allow push, the server will transmit a corresponding "push" message to all users in the context, targeted at the context, with the same URL and frame, and marked as being from the user associated with the client sending this message. See the discussion of the "push" message in the Generic Messages section of the C-U-I document. If the message is targeted at a user and that user is in the same context as the sender and the Chat mod is configured to allow private push, the server will transmit two copies of a corresponding "push" message, one to the targeted user's client and one sent back to the original sender.


The Dictionary mod associates a server-moderated name/value lookup table with the object to which it is attached. It may be attached to a context, user or item.


{ type:"dictionary", names:[STR], values:[STR] }




→ { to:REF_STR, op:"delvar", names:[STR] }

This message requests the server to delete one or more name/value pairs from the dictionary.

Once the indicated entries are deleted, the "delvar" message will be broadcast to all clients in the context, informing them of the change.


→ { to:REF_STR, op:"setvar", names:[STR], values:[STR] }

This message requests the server to change the value of one or more name/value pairs in the dictionary.

Elements of the names parameter array that do not correspond to entries in the dictionary may result, at the server's discretion, in the addition of new name/value entries to the dictionary.

Once the indicated entries are set, the "setvar" message will be broadcast to all clients in the context, informing them of the change.


The Image mod associates an image with the object to which it is attached. It may be attached to any kind of object, but normally it will be attached to items. This mod is purely a data object; it has no behavior and no message protocol. It is up to the client application to make use of this data appropriately.


{ type:"image", img:STR, width:?INT, height:?INT }



The Note mod associates a block of editable text with the item to which it is attached. It must be attached to an item, not a context or user.


{ type:"note", text:STR, style:?STYLEDESC }




→ { to:ITEMREF_STR, op:"edit", text:?STR, style:?STYLEDESC }

This message requests the server to alter the text and/or style information on the note.

Once the indicated changes are made to the note on the server, the "edit" message will be broadcast to all clients in the context, informing them of the change.


The NoteMaker mod provides a facility for creating new items with Notes attached. It is normally attached to the context, but this is not required.


{ type:"notemaker", styles:STYLEOPTIONSDESC }




This message requests the server to create a new item with associated Note and Cartesian mods.

→ {
left:INT, top:INT,
width:INT, height:INT,

If the request succeeds, a new item will be created in the indicated container, with attached Note and Cartesian mods according to the parameters given. The new item will be broadcast to all users in the context via a "make" message targeted at the new item's container.


The TalkOptions mod describes controls the style information associated with user utterances displayed as a result of "say" messages. This mod must be attached to a context, not to a user or item. It operates in conjunction with the Chat and TalkPrefs mods. This mod is purely a data object; it has no message protocol.


{ type:"talkoptions", styles:STYLEOPTIONSDESC }



The TalkPrefs mod holds a user's current chat text display style settings. It operates in conjunction with the Chat and TalkOptions mods. It is always attached to a user.


{ type:"talkprefs", style:STYLEDESC }




The "style" message enables a user to request that their talk preference settings be changed.

→ { to:USERREF_STR, op:"style", color:?STR, backgroundColor:?STR, icon:?STR, textStyle:?STR }

All parameters are optional. Any parameters omitted will result in the corresponding talk preferences setting remaining unchanged. If there is a TalkOptions mod attached to the context, the settings specified must be consistent with what that TalkOptions mod allows. Also note that a user may only change their own TalkPrefs and not those of other users. If the changes indicated are acceptable, the server alters the user's talk preferences and broadcasts the "style" message to all users in the context.

Descriptor Objects

There are a couple of JSON objects that are used to carry standard bundles of information in the representations of certain mods and in some messages. These are not mods or messages themselves, but simply bundles of data.

Style Descriptor

The style descriptor contains information for the rendering of text.




All elements are optional. Color names are standard HTML color names.

Style Options Descriptor

The style options descriptor contains a collection of text style information. It represents a range of permitted style values for use in preference setting and display.




All elements are optional.