Elko: Server Objects

The Server View of the Context-User-Item Model

The presences of C-U-I objects on the Context Server are authoritative with respect to the shared state of those objects. In other words, when there are questions about the true state of reality, what the server says rules. A client is authoritative only with respect two kinds of things: the user interface interpretation of those objects as presented to its own user, and the representation of the user's intentions to the server.

Furthermore, since a client in some context only communicates with the server for that context, the client only has to worry about managing a communications relationship with one other party. The context's Context Server, in contrast, communicates with all the clients in that context, hence its model of the world is necessarily somewhat more complicated.

The persistent states of C-U-I objects are maintained by the server in its object database. In the current implementation, these are stored as JSON object descriptors. When there are no users in a context, the context sits in a quiescent state in the object database. A quiescent context is only activated when a user enters it. When the context is activated, the server loads its representation from the object database, instantiates a live context object for it, and then manages client interaction with it. When the last client leaves the context, its persistent state is checkpointed back to the object database (though certain operations in a live context can also trigger such checkpointing during normal operation) and the context again becomes quiescent. Actually, it is possible, if application requirements make it necessary, for a context to be made active absent any users within it, or to be kept active after all users have left, but this is not the normal mode of operation.

When a context is activated, not only is the context object loaded from the database, but so are any items that the context contains. Furthermore, users themselves (and the items the contain) may have persistent representations that are also loaded upon entry.

An object's descriptor in the database includes descriptors for any mods that may be attached to that object. Developing an application consists of defining the context, its mods, its items, and its items' mods. A context or item may also define what we call user mods, which are temporary mods that are attached to a user or to one of the user's items when the user enters the context, then discarded again when the user leaves.

The Context Server provides a standard library of mods that can be recombined in different ways to produce different applications. In addition, it is possible to program new server-side mod classes using a standard Java API. As long as the mod classes are loadable from the server's configured class path, they may be used just like any of the built in mods. (In the fullness of time we hope to enable server mods to be implemented in Javascript, so that application developers can develop both the client and server portions of their applications in a common language framework. This will be coupled with a modular packaging scheme enabling developers to generate a single deployment package for an application that can be uploaded to the server and installed.)

When a server creates a new context, by convention it assigns it a ref of the form "context.uniq_id", where uniq is unique token generated at server startup time, so that multipe servers sharing a common object database can generate unique identifiers without collisions, and id is a sequential integer number that increments with each context created. It is not required that manually created contexts follow this convention, though it is useful for documentary purposes to follow a similar convention by identifying contexts with refs of the form "context.tag", where tag is a mnemonic string of some kind. Similary, items are given refs of the form "item.uniq_id" and users are given refs of the form "user.uniq_id".

Clones, when they are created, are assigned refs by suffixing ".cloneid" to the base ref of the master object from which they are cloned, where cloneid is a unique number issued by the server. Note however, that while a non-clone object's ref is a permanent attribute of that object, clone refs are as ephemeral as the clone objects they refer to.

The Context Object

Contexts are stored in the object database indexed by their reference strings. A context is described by a JSON descriptor of the form:



The Item Object

Items are stored in the object database indexed by their reference strings. An item is described by a JSON descriptor of the form:



The User Object

Users are stored in the object database indexed by their reference strings. An user is described by a JSON descriptor of the form:

